Sunday, 6 September 2015

Kasuba Weekend

The 90kms to Kasuba was a drive of about 3 hours on dirt roads with plenty of humps and hollows! We arrived just after sunset, quickly set up our tents in fading light and then had a meal prepared by our hosts, served in a mud brick house with a grass roof – chicken, inshima (maize meal) and green veg! That night we had an open air gospel message with choirs singing – it was a blessing to be there.
The following day there were two general teaching sessions and two separate sessions with graduates of the Bible School – one hearing reports of their work and the other bringing an encouragement through teaching to spur them on in ministry. This was followed by another night gospel service. It was a long day, but what a blessing to fellowship with our brothers and sisters. Sunday saw the church service, starting with communion and then the general service of teaching. There were three choirs giving two brackets of 2 songs each – the service was long!
There were 17 graduates from 10 churches present for the weekend, and they work with 36 churches in their region. This is the largest concentration of graduates, and they have recently planted another 3 churches in their region. It is fantastic to know their desire to see the priority of the gospel proclaimed in their region and see the local church people growing in Christ. The constant challenges are the needs for Bibles – we never have enough, but then also for the graduates themselves to have bicycles to help them get around to the various churches that they teach in. They are very active in training seminars around the district as well as outreach, youth ministry, children’s work…
The work of the Bible School is such a blessing to these village areas and we need your continued prayerful support. Another 3 potential students were identified, and they will be helped by a sponsorship from the sale of 2 boxes of Bibles in their home area which will cover their fees for the year long course.
 Sunday School Kids

 Graduates from Kasuba region

 Preaching with Peter translating

 Maria learning to cook

 Brad drawing water

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