Monday, 19 June 2017

Rejoicing at God's Provision

Greetings all. Just a big thank you to for all the support that is coming in from NZ. So far $7500 has been forwarded for Bibles, Bikes & some tents for church planting ministries. Wow!! God is good! Yesterday sitting with Wathabu & Peter (the principal and senior teacher at the school), we discussed the application of these resources. They are very strategic in where and when these are passed out to the graduates - we have full confidence in their leadership. We also discussed the need of evangelists/church planters to pass on some gospel text to the newly saved and some of the money has been given specifically for purchasing Gospels of John that can be left with these new converts. These gifts are a huge blessing but the needs are also huge and we need to see ongoing steady support for these things.

Today there is some general maintenance to do around the property, we will visit the Bible School farm block for Robert to evaluate the possibilities with this land, and Donald will be having a time with all the teaching staff to encourage and help them in the team ministry that they are called to.
We value your ongoing prayers.

Life at the fish market!!

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