Wellington Mwansa
is 65 years old and lives in the Kawambwa area, approximately 250kms north of
Samfya. He is one of two elders from Chitondo CMML Church which was planted in
2007 and now has 45 members. Wellington does a significant amount of teaching
in the church and loves to evangelise his community. He is trusting that the
training he is undertaking will help him in discipleship so that people will
grow in the Lord and he also wants to see Evangelistic efforts increase in the
church. He is a subsistence farmer and reports that there are only four bibles
among his congregation.
Mary Chitambla
Mary is a
mother of seven children, but was unfortunately divorced by her husband who has
since become a polygamist (a very common problem in Zambia). She supports
herself through farming, but loves to devote her time to the work of the church
in women’s ministry, youth and door to door evangelism. She has found that she
is needed to help in the counsel of many women who are going through the same
issues that she has faced in life and has appreciated the training that she is
getting that is equipping her to better fulfill her roles in church life. She is
part of Musongo CMML church which is in the Lwela district, south of Mansa.
Please keep
praying for the 22 1st year students and 2nd year students who are being
equipped through the Bible School ministry, as well as the 5 English speaking students currently doing block courses.
This weekend
our visit has changed from Chishi Island to Kantete CMML church, approximately
65 kms south of Samfya. Please pray that the teaching will further equip
leaders from the surrounding churches and encourage them to apply the Word of
God to the cultural challenges that they face.
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