Sunday, 25 August 2013

Samfya District Regional Conference

Over the last five days this regional conference has been in full swing and I have been privileged to teach these precious brothers and sisters. The stick count of people today (take a stick and throw it in the pile) was 4095!! All these believers from many churches gather and sleep out under the stars in very rough conditions! The choirs from the churches sing and the preachers have delivered a series of messages on Firm Foundations.

                                          heading to the lake for baptims

This has offered a good opportunity to promote the ministry of the Bible School as Principal Levy Kasoma and I have represented the work that SBS is doing. Today I was able to conclude the teaching of the conference with an exhortation on growing in Christlikeness from Colossians 3:1-4. It was wonderful to see the number of people listening so intently, many taking notes – please pray that the Holy Spirit would work through the Word to bring even greater commitment to His name.

               Baptisms underway - the people took all vantage points from trees to anthills and in the water!

It was a real blessing to witness the baptism of 95 people at the bordering lake. Praise God for the openness to the gospel that is evident in this land. My fellow NZers, James and Roger depart tomorrow, but Roger will be back by Friday. Also Wathabu Simfukwe, the former board chairman who has just finished further theological studies will arrive this week for discussions about the Bible School Ministry. Please keep praying for me this week as I teach the Distance students through the Doctrine of the Church.

                               Part of the 4000 strong crowd soaking in the teaching and choir singing

1 comment:

  1. As Stuart and Joy Houghton's niece, it is exciting to read of your visit to Samfya and the growth in that area. Blessings on your Journey,
